High Carbon Steel vs. Low Carbon Steel: What’s the Difference?


When it comes to steel, not all grades are created equal. Understanding the differences between high carbon steel and low carbon steel is crucial for selecting the right material for your project. These two types of steel vary significantly in terms of composition, properties, and applications. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the key distinctions between high carbon steel and low carbon steel, helping you make an informed decision for your manufacturing or construction needs.

What is Carbon Steel?

high carbon steel

Definition of Carbon Steel

Carbon steel is a type of steel where the primary interstitial alloying constituent is carbon. The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) defines carbon steel as having no minimum content for elements such as chromium, cobalt, molybdenum, nickel, niobium, titanium, tungsten, vanadium, or zirconium. Essentially, carbon steel is classified based on the amount of carbon content it contains.

Carbon Content and Classification

Carbon steel is categorized into four groups based on its carbon content:

  • Low Carbon Steel (Mild Steel): Contains 0.05% to 0.25% carbon.
  • Medium Carbon Steel: Contains 0.26% to 0.60% carbon.
  • High Carbon Steel: Contains 0.61% to 1.50% carbon.
  • Ultra-High Carbon Steel: Contains 1.51% to 2.00% carbon.

In this blog, we will focus on comparing low carbon steel (mild steel) and high carbon steel.

Composition and Properties

Chemical Composition

The primary difference between high carbon steel and low carbon steel lies in their carbon content. Here is a comparison table illustrating the typical chemical composition of both types:

Element Low Carbon Steel (Mild Steel) High Carbon Steel
Carbon (C) 0.05% – 0.25% 0.61% – 1.50%
Manganese (Mn) 0.25% – 0.60% 0.30% – 0.90%
Silicon (Si) ≤ 0.40% ≤ 0.40%
Phosphorus (P) ≤ 0.04% ≤ 0.04%
Sulfur (S) ≤ 0.05% ≤ 0.05%

Mechanical Properties

The differences in chemical composition result in distinct mechanical properties for each type of steel:

  • Low Carbon Steel (Mild Steel):
  • Ductility: High, making it easy to form and weld.
  • Tensile Strength: Relatively low compared to high carbon steel, typically around 400-550 MPa.
  • Hardness: Low, which makes it less resistant to wear and abrasion.
  • Toughness: High, which provides good impact resistance.
  • High Carbon Steel:
  • Ductility: Low, which makes it harder to form and weld.
  • Tensile Strength: High, typically around 700-900 MPa, offering greater strength.
  • Hardness: High, making it more resistant to wear and abrasion.
  • Toughness: Low, making it more brittle and susceptible to cracking under impact.


The different properties of high carbon steel and low carbon steel make them suitable for various applications:

Low Carbon Steel (Mild Steel)

Due to its ductility, weldability, and toughness, low carbon steel is used in a wide range of applications, including:

  • Construction: Structural beams, columns, and girders.
  • Automotive: Body panels, chassis, and components.
  • Pipes and Tubing: Water pipes, gas pipes, and structural tubing.
  • Machinery: Frames, housings, and other non-critical components.
  • Consumer Goods: Appliances, furniture, and kitchenware.

High Carbon Steel

High carbon steel’s higher hardness and tensile strength make it ideal for applications requiring durability and wear resistance, such as:

  • Tools: Cutting tools, drill bits, saw blades, and knives.
  • Machinery Parts: Bearings, springs, and gears.
  • Automotive: High-stress components like axles and crankshafts.
  • Construction: High-strength wires and cables.
  • Industrial Equipment: Dies, molds, and other heavy-duty equipment.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Low Carbon Steel (Mild Steel)


  • Ease of Fabrication: Easy to form, cut, and weld, making it ideal for various manufacturing processes.
  • Cost-Effective: Generally less expensive due to its lower carbon content and simpler production process.
  • Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction to consumer goods.


  • Lower Strength: Not suitable for high-stress applications.
  • Low Hardness: Less resistant to wear and abrasion, which can limit its use in certain industrial applications.

High Carbon Steel


  • High Strength: Excellent for applications requiring high tensile strength and durability.
  • Wear Resistance: High hardness makes it ideal for tools and components subject to heavy wear.
  • Long-Lasting: More durable in applications involving friction and high impact.


  • Brittleness: More susceptible to cracking and breaking under impact.
  • Difficult to Weld: Requires special techniques and equipment for welding.
  • Higher Cost: More expensive due to higher carbon content and more complex production processes.

Comparison Table

Here’s a comparison table summarizing the key differences between high carbon steel and low carbon steel:

Property Low Carbon Steel (Mild Steel) High Carbon Steel
Carbon Content 0.05% – 0.25% 0.61% – 1.50%
Ductility High Low
Tensile Strength 400-550 MPa 700-900 MPa
Hardness Low High
Toughness High Low
Weldability Easy Difficult
Cost Lower Higher
Common Applications Construction, automotive, pipes, machinery, consumer goods Tools, machinery parts, automotive, construction, industrial equipment

Heat Treatment and Processing

Low Carbon Steel (Mild Steel)

Low carbon steel is typically processed through standard techniques like rolling, forging, and machining. It can be heat treated to improve its properties, but due to its low carbon content, it does not respond as dramatically as high carbon steel.

  • Annealing: Used to reduce hardness and increase ductility.
  • Normalizing: Improves mechanical properties and refines the grain structure.
  • Quenching and Tempering: Limited effectiveness due to low carbon content.

High Carbon Steel

High carbon steel benefits significantly from heat treatment processes, which can enhance its hardness, strength, and wear resistance.

  • Annealing: Reduces hardness, making the steel easier to machine.
  • Normalizing: Enhances toughness and strength.
  • Quenching and Tempering: Increases hardness and strength significantly, ideal for making tools and wear-resistant components.


Choosing between high carbon steel and low carbon steel depends on the specific requirements of your project. Low carbon steel is versatile, cost-effective, and easy to work with, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, especially where high strength is not a critical requirement. High carbon steel, on the other hand, offers superior strength and hardness, making it ideal for tools and high-stress applications, though it comes with higher costs and challenges in processing.

By understanding the key differences in composition, properties, and applications, you can make an informed decision that best suits your needs, ensuring the success and durability of your project.


What is the main difference between high carbon steel and low carbon steel?

The main difference lies in their carbon content. Low carbon steel contains 0.05% to 0.25% carbon, while high carbon steel contains 0.61% to 1.50% carbon. This difference affects their properties, such as strength, hardness, ductility, and weldability.

Which type of steel is easier to weld?

Low carbon steel is easier to weld compared to high carbon steel. The lower carbon content reduces the risk of cracking and makes it more suitable for standard welding techniques.

Can high carbon steel be heat treated?

Yes, high carbon steel can be heat treated to enhance its properties. Processes like quenching and tempering significantly increase its hardness and strength, making it suitable for high-wear applications.

What are some common applications of low carbon steel?

Low carbon steel is commonly used in construction (structural beams, columns), automotive (body panels, chassis), pipes and tubing, machinery frames, and consumer goods (appliances, furniture).

Is high carbon steel more expensive than low carbon steel?

Yes, high carbon steel is generally more expensive due to its higher carbon content and more complex production processes. However, its enhanced properties often justify the higher cost in specific applications.

Which steel is better for making tools?

High carbon steel is better for making tools due to its higher hardness and wear resistance. It is commonly used for cutting tools, drill bits, saw blades, and knives.

Can low carbon steel be used in high-stress applications?

Low carbon steel is not ideal for high-stress applications due to its lower tensile strength and hardness. High carbon steel or other alloy steels are better suited for such applications.

How does the carbon content affect the properties of steel?

The carbon content in steel directly affects its mechanical properties. Higher carbon content increases hardness and tensile strength but reduces ductility and toughness, making the steel more brittle.

What are the challenges of working with high carbon steel?

High carbon steel is more challenging to work with due to its high hardness and brittleness. It requires special techniques for machining and welding and is more prone to cracking under stress.

Are there any environmental considerations when choosing between high and low carbon steel?

Both high and low carbon steels are recyclable, contributing to environmental sustainability. However, the production processes for high carbon steel can be more energy-intensive, potentially having a higher environmental impact.